ABC Bank supported Ripples International’s week-long mental wellness awareness and roadshow campaign in Meru, Kenya. The campaign, which kicked off on Monday, May 27th, 2024, at ABC Bank – Meru Branch, drew over 3,500 participants of all ages, with the 26-35 age group having the strongest representation, highlighting the growing concern for mental health among young adults.

While a significant portion of attendees demonstrated a basic understanding of mental wellness, a recurring theme emerged – stigma as the primary obstacle to seeking help. The campaign fostered a safe and supportive environment where participants could openly discuss mental health concerns, with many individuals expressing a newfound sense of comfort and confidence in seeking professional counselling.

Beyond the educational workshop on mental health awareness, the campaign offered valuable resources including free one-on-one counselling sessions, informative brochures on mental health topics, practical relaxation techniques, and crucial contact information for mental health service providers and support networks in the region.

ABC Bank is committed to supporting initiatives that promote positive social change and by supporting Ripples International, the Bank is proud to have played a role in empowering the community to prioritize mental health, seek help when needed, offer support to others, and work together to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.

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